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Old 07-30-2008, 02:35 AM   #8
Paul Miletus
Join Date: Jul 2008
Posts: 106

Originally Posted by KSA View Post
The apostled are the foundations of the church with Christ being the cornerstone. They released the New Testament teaching which is also the apostles' teaching. Now we are to abide in this teaching. There are no additional "ministers of the age" who would give us "new light", "up-to-date Lord's speaking" or "the high peaks of truth (I should call them "picks"). The apostles teaching is embodied in the New Testament. Of course, there are teachers in the Body who are gifted to teach, but there are no special "teachers" who are one per age with some "special revelation".
Again, there is no "minister of the age" in the local church, but a "ministry of the age". There is much difference between the two. You are claiming something from the local church which is not in existence.

From the message of Brother Watchman Nee, "What Are We?", your arguments above is fully covered. Please bear with me to read a portion of his message:


Second Peter 1:12 mentions the words “established in the present truth.” The “present truth” can also be rendered the “up-to-date truth.” What is the up-to-date truth? Actually, all the truths are in the Bible; there is not one truth that is not in the Bible. Although they are all in the Bible, through man’s foolishness, unfaithfulness, negligence, and disobedience many of the truths were lost and hidden from man. The truths were there, but man did not see them or touch them. Not until the fullness of time did God release certain truths during particular periods of time and cause them to be revealed once more.

These freshly revealed truths are not God’s new inventions. Rather, they are man’s new discoveries. There is no need for invention, but there is the need for discovery. In past generations God revealed different truths. During certain periods of time, He caused men to discover these specific truths. We can see this clearly from the history of the church.

Take, for example, the raising up of Martin Luther in the sixteenth century. God opened his eyes to see the matter of justification by faith. He was a vessel raised up by God to unveil the truth of justification by faith. This does not mean that before Luther there was no such thing as justification by faith. The fact already existed before Luther’s time. Luther was merely the one who realized this truth in a stronger way; he was particularly outstanding in this truth. For this reason, this truth became the “present truth” in that age.

Every worker of the Lord should inquire before God as to what the present truth is. We need to ask: “God, what is the present truth?” Although there are many major and crucial truths in the Bible, what we need to know is God’s present truth. Not only do we need to know the general truths, we must also be clear about God’s present truth.
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