08-19-2011, 06:40 AM
Join Date: Jul 2008
Location: Greater Ohio
Posts: 13,693
Re: Warning: Contains No Sugar
Originally Posted by UntoHim
I don't think John thought he was putting himself in a kind of leadership position in writing A Future and a Hope, but in a sense he was. I suspect he is either finished with it or very close and just has not had the peace and leading from the Lord to publish. What he needs to consider is our peace and our longing for some leadership in the areas covered in the book. Come on John, finish the course!
I was told a while ago that those final chapters of FaH were actually being spoken to the church at the time. The contents may be included in their regular e-mail "Creekbed" series, which summarizes the messages from the meetings.
Regarding JM's current activities, yesterday I received this .....
Take a look at this brief conversation held at a church leaders' workshop:
Friend: Where is your church located?
Me: Grandview Heights.
Friend: Whoa! That's a gospel-resistant area. I grew up there.
Me: You did?
Friend: Yes. You've got your work cut out for you. From my observation, the biggest
problem with that town is that the gospel has not been preached there for about
60 years.
Well, he's right. We have our work cut out for us. As a courtesy to many of you who have been reading our Creekbed emails and/or supporting us in other ways, we wanted to drop a line and update you on how our work is going here in Grandview Christian Assembly.
August and September mark a milestone in the life of our church, as two men, Jeff Friess and Seth Evans, will be presented to the congregation as candidates for eldership. At the end of a one month scrutiny, it is my hope to appoint them. Although my responsibilities will not change, at that time I will also take my place as an elder in the church.
Of course, September through late October marks the "superbowl" of the church growth season. As you can imagine, we're gearing up for an anticipated blessing. This includes internal facility changes like a new large building sign and a lighting system more conducive to our meetings. We are also preparing space for overflow seating.
We're working on the spiritual quality of the church as well, by adding a lot of mentor-based sessions that help people understand the basics of the Christian faith, learn how to pray over Scripture, and practice sharing the gospel with others. Leadership development is also on our radar and some theology courses for deeper study (which we will launch in the coming week).
Our publishing ministry continues. We currently have twenty-five titles that await publication prep work. Most of these are along the "Big Idea, Little Book" theme. Others however, are larger works and will take longer to finish. The next project likely to see the light of day is a gospel book for inquisitive non-Christians.
From the standpoint of encouragement, your interest means a lot to us. We've come a long way since January 2009, even though 2.5 years isn't much when you look at it on a calendar.
Grace to you always,
John Myer
Ohio's motto is: With God all things are possible!.
Keeping all my posts short, quick, living, and to the point!