He could see and talk to the "invisible" and then rebuke them. He resurrected from the dead. He could raise the dead. All things came into being thru Him. He could heal men of all infirmities, but He did at times require a little faith in return. (
Too bad the home town folks missed out on this!) He gave sight to the blind (
first this guy's eyes, then He taught his mind to interpret the images.) He could control the weather. He could walk on water. He could empower others to walk on water. He could forgive sins. He is the Knower of hearts. Jesus knew the future. (
He did refer all wisdom to His Father, however, when He decided not to tell us the day of His return.)
Zeek is worried
that Jesus was not omniscient or omnipotent.
Brother Zeek, there are other things and people we should worry about, but not the Lord Jesus.