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Old 08-18-2011, 12:31 PM   #13
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Default Re: FTT a Mixture

Originally Posted by ZNPaaneah View Post
True, but what about breast milk? Generally toxicity levels for babies is much lower than for adults. Also, toxins can often become concentrated within the body since they don't digest. The reality is that few of these things are truly tested as we would imagine they should have been before being dumped on the consumer.

Along these same lines toxins are concentrated in carnivores, like fish. So a so called safe level of toxicity for the ocean can quickly become multiplied a hundredfold when we are talking about tuna or some other fish.
Surely in terms of our literal food, the toxin level that is important is the one in what we are eating, not just in the environment from which it came.

It is a little like noting that if you completely avoid sunlight you can get a deficiency in vitamin D. But get too much and you risk skin cancer. There is no simple answer. And for every thing that must be worried about, there are a bunch that are just never important. And the answer for most of us is to do whatever you feel will keep you at the lowest level of angst. If it means ignoring the "organic" crowd, then do it. If it means becoming one of them, do it. Not because I think it is entirely irrelevant, but that at some level the way we face the life we have is every bit as important as the way we live it. If your life is giving you extreme anxiety (High Anxiety??) you probably should make some changes — or see a therapist. :veryconfused:
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