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Old 08-18-2011, 09:47 AM   #11
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Default Re: Weekly Revival Reading - Your Opinion?

Originally Posted by zeek View Post
The reading says that Jesus was omniscient and omnipotent...
The omnipotent and omniscient God limited Himself by man's will.

Calibrating the healing is not evidence of not being omnipotent.

Mark 13:32 is interesting. It clearly distinguishes what the Father in the trinity knows from what the Son in the trinity knows. I would certainly like to consider that more before assuming that you could jump to the conclusion that based on that verse Jesus was not omniscient. I understand that by definition it certainly seems that is a fair interpretation. The issue is that the context is that "of the day and hour knows no man" so this verse seems to be very strong warning not to listen to Camping or any other fool, even if he says he has a direct word from Jesus. The context seems that He is saying that under no circumstances will he reveal this day or hour to man. But I will cede that this verse is clearly problematic to anyone saying that Jesus is omniscient.

As to the verses that discuss Jesus humanity: growing in wisdom and learning obedience. According to what I was taught in the LRC by WN and WL, and which is supported by some verses in the NT, it was at Jesus death, resurrection and ascension that man was brought into God and sat down on the right hand of God. WL taught that God went through a process of incarnation, human living, etc. So pointing out that Jesus was not omniscient prior to the ascension actually supports WL's teaching. But, that said, I think these verses do prove that Jesus was not omniscient at that stage of the process.
They shall live by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God
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