Originally Posted by kisstheson
I then began to actively seek out the writings of other "branches" of Christian thought besides "Inner Life" and "Plymouth Brethren". I found so many marvelous examples of Christian practice that were utterly unknown to Watchman Nee, Witness Lee, and the Blended Brothers. I discovered some incredibly irenic, peace-loving, self-sacrificing, faithful-unto-death branches of Christianity. The obedience, the faith, and the love shown by these Christian groups was incredible. I am so glad that I went beyond those ministers and those groups normally associated with "The Lord's Recovery". Witness Lee, Living Stream Ministry, and the LRC do not have any kind of monopoly on what is pleasing to God's heart - far from it.
I have intentionally left out any reference to what was before. It is where we go that matters.
My studies are not as profound as yours. I read somewhat limitedly. Partly because lengthy reading has been difficult due to allergies and a general dislike of the reading glasses that I should be using. But my reading — mostly of a collection of blogs that give interesting insights into many things, including many books — has me realizing that even those long-despised liturgies and times given to a deliberate "walk" through such a "traditional" thing are rich with meaning. And it gives such time for contemplation. Something that more lively meetings do not allow for. They still are not my preference. But I no longer presume that they are "dead" because of their form. A contemplative life is a rich and rewarding life. Surely there are those who simply do rituals. But to presume that upon everyone is as great an error as saying that the LRC's odd-ball version of the trinity is so heretical that they are a "cult of Christianity."