Re: Against LSM's Allegorizing
Originally Posted by ZNPaaneah
Going back to the baseball analogy, all the great hitters followed key principles, that is why they became key principles. In the Hall of Fame of faith David plays a very prominent role, and one of the key principles of faith is that you "honor your father and mother that it may be well with you". Therefore, I feel it does apply. The question is not "does everyone who hits a home run follow key principles of hitting?", no the question is "are all the immortal great hitters in the hall of fame those that followed the key principles of good hitting?" To me, the answer is yes. (Now I know you are going to want to wax lyrical about Derrick Jeter, and how all these Yankee hitters are doing so well under the Yankees hitting coach, but lets try to keep this on topic).
I was following along real well with this baseball analogy hoping to hear about former Clevelander Jim Thome, a real class act, but instead you acted like a NYC "homer" and had to bring up Jeter.
Ohio's motto is: With God all things are possible!.
Keeping all my posts short, quick, living, and to the point!