Originally Posted by rayliotta
So maybe even spiritual-sounding talk is cheap?
The cheapest.
In fact, "spiritual-sounding" is something that bothers me constantly. I've heard so much junk couched in spiritual terms over the years (and not just from the LRC) that when people start talking with too much piety and spirituality in their language, I probably get a little overly wary. I just figure there has to be an ordinary way to say things and that the "turn on" of the spiritual mumbo jumbo is to mask a lack of spirituality or even trick us to ignore error.
I must confess that I even have a hard time reading KTS at times even though I actually trust him almost implicitly. (KTS: Don't take it personal. It's me, not you.) And when the thing we are truly combating is so much junk from Lee that was always buried in spiritual terminology, it is hard to let your guard down when there is real spirituality in play.
God knows our hearts. He knows what is true. We can't fool him. Why should we put on airs when we speak to each other. It seems that if we feel a need to talk one way to one group of people and another way to others (our "spiritual" group) then I have to wonder how genuine our interaction is in that sanitized, jargonized, role-playing game in which we are engaged.