Originally Posted by awareness
How about the possibility that we'll never understand the book of Revelation, with any degree of certainty. The Preterists may have it right, that it deals only with the apostolic age.
And therein lies the problem. Of course if we want to allegorize the scripture for our own benefit, what matters what anyone thinks.
But when preachers see allegory in scripture some think, 'allegory is the way to best understand the scriptures,' and then begin to go hog-wild with it, and possibility subject their flock to wild imaginations of their own making, and non-scripture meanings, that are nothing but illusions.
And if it involves a preacher-man like Witness Lee, that requires we give our whole life to his ministry, then is reason for thoughtful caution, concerning HIS allegories.
We may never understand the Apocalypse of John, but unless you think he was talking about a literal lamb there I think we can agree that the book is an allegory. As such it requires allegorization if it is to be understood at all, be that understanding preterist or futurist.
Beyond that I agree that any particular allegorization may be questionable. Certainly some of the WL interpretations cited by Tomes are.