Originally Posted by zeek
According to Tomes interpretation of the biblical text should lead to only one valid meaning—that intended by the author...
The seed is Christ, In Galations chapter 3 Paul is explaining that the law given by Moses was a child conducter until the time that the seed would come. v23 -24 (seed is singular as Christ was planted in the ground like a seed) In Genesis 22:17 seed is singular as it is refering to the one seed refering to Christ, not all the children that sprung from Abraham's loins would produce the seed other than the ones that Jesus can trace his ancestry biologically to Abraham as we see in chapter 1 of mathew with all the begats. Then in Gal 3:29 "And if you are of Christ, then you are Abraham's seed (still singular) heirs according to promise. then Paul explains 4 v 6-7 that we are sons, "God has sent forth the Spirit of His Son into our hearts" "So then you are no longer a slave (to law) but a son ( you have the same life in you as Jesus thru the Spirit of his Son); and if a son an heir also through God.
John 12:24 Jesus says "Truly Truly, i say to you, Unless the grain of wheat (seed) falls into the ground and dies, it abides alone, but if it dies, it bears much fruit. So we can see that when Jesus was the seed and was planted in the ground, died to bear much fruit. So instead of having one son God now has many son's a great multiplication of Christ Gen 22:17
I will surely multiply your seed like the stars of the heaven of the heaven and like the sand which is on the seashore; and your seed shall possess the gate of his enemies. Could the many nations just be consisting of the many sons spread over the whole earth in time and space? Even though Abraham had other children ( 1 of them was Ishmael) the seed did not come through them otherwise we could include them if it was more than one seed or stated as seeds.