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Old 08-16-2011, 04:08 PM   #119
Join Date: Oct 2010
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Default Re: Against LSM's Allegorizing

Originally Posted by kisstheson View Post
Hello dear brothers Igzy and Ohio,

I just found out something really shocking about Song of Songs! In the back of the Greek New Testament, Fourth Revised Edition, published by the United Bible Societies (i.e. the so-called USB4 version of the Greek New Testament), there are two tables. One lists all the passages from the Old Testament quoted by the New Testament. The other lists all the passages from the Old Testament for which there are allusions or parallels in the New Testament.

What I found out is that Song of Songs is the ONLY book in the Old Testament which is not quoted or alluded to by the authors of the New Testament! Even short little books like Obadiah and Nahum are alluded to at least once in the New Testament! All that rich allegorical imagery in Songs of Songs and both Jesus and His apostles never referenced it and certainly never tried to interpret it.

Maybe you both already knew this, but I just found this out and I was quite shocked!
What! Were these guys eunuchs?
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