Re: Against LSM's Allegorizing
Originally Posted by Igzy
I'm not trying to be saucy, I'm just making the point in that I think some people allegorize the Song of Songs because they don't want to talk about what it's plainly about, which is romantic love and sexual attraction. We are uncomfortable that the Bible devotes a whole book to this subject so we try to spiritualize it.
Solomon is grasping for words to describe his feelings about the woman, she is doing the same. They come up with all kinds of embarrassing things to say. If you've never done that you've never been in the rapture of love (and sex).
I'm not buying.
How could a guy with 300 wives and 700 concubines get so excited about that "one special girl?" I'm just sayin' ... tremendous incentive to make this "song" a little "bigger than life."
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