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Old 08-16-2011, 09:41 AM   #104
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Default Re: Against LSM's Allegorizing

Originally Posted by Igzy View Post
I agree with this.

I think common sense tells us to emphasize the literal and let allegory take a secondary role of support and perhaps enhancement.

Lee seemed to almost think allegory was more important than the literal. Much of the strangeness of the LRC swings on these "hidden" teachings. (e.g. Noah and his sons, Miriam, Saul being the anointed, plastering leper's houses, one trumpet, fine flour "mingled" with oil, and on and on.)

Lee seemed to think there was a "hidden" message in the Bible which was for a few select "faithful" ones to understand. Of course, his movement was right in the middle of that select company.
I may be wrong, having not actually discussed this with Nigel, but it seems to me that the background, or in LC'ese the "black-ground," of this paper by Nigel is the LSM training sessions which were held in various locations in greater Toronto by Minoru Chen and others, in which techniques were discussed with dissident locals how to "tear down the house," i.e. the church in Toronto using allegorical nonsense from the book of Leviticus.

Not to change the subject, but it really surprises me that TC has never publicly distanced himself from WL, the source of all "disgusting" allegory at LSM, especially those that address the so-called quarantines, both past and present. I have to believe that this is no more than "playing politics" for personal gain. Because of his abrasive straight-forward attitude, most of TC's most ardent followers, at least in my "neck of the woods," boasted for decades that he alone was above politics, all the time pointing out the flaws of those hovering around Anaheim. There is no way TC can maintain the old paradigm of "good WL, bad blended," and still maintain credibility, at least in the GLA. Perhaps this is why many leaders have distanced themselves, or have become like the "ostrich."
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