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Old 08-16-2011, 09:15 AM   #95
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Default Re: Against LSM's Allegorizing

Originally Posted by Ohio View Post
In an earlier post I mentioned this allegory from Galatians. For Paul to equate the concubine Hagar with earthly Jerusalem was monumental. This was "new truth," if ever there was some, and the Jewish believers were infuriated, no doubt. Yes, the Lord spoke prophetically about the destruction of Jerusalem while on the earth, but I have to believe statements like this by the Apostle caused him to be on the "most wanted" list in Jerusalem. This statement, at least to me, was ten-fold more striking than his stance on circumcision. Had they known this during the Acts 15 summit, the course of history might have been altered.
Monumental and knee buckling, true, but you could back this up with other verses in the Bible, so saying that there were two covenants, one of the law and one of the spirit, and that the Jewish religion had embraced the covenant of the law, could be pieced together completely without the allegory, however, the allegory is so much more elegant and concise and easier to understand.
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