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Old 08-15-2011, 07:33 PM   #76
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Default Re: Against LSM's Allegorizing

Paul could allegorize because he was an apostle and could write scripture. Allegorizing to produce a new truth that is not echoed in plain scripture is the job of an apostle. Since there haven't been any apostles since the first century that option is closed.

Why can't we be content with what the Bible actually says? Why do we feel the need to read things into it which may or may not be there?

Take the Song of Songs. People including Nee have allegorized the heck out of that. Either Nee or Lee even taught that the shulamite's breasts signified faith and love, and that our faith and love should be equally strong because a woman's breasts should be the same size. (No word on what happened to hope, but never mind.) I mean, whatever....

Why not just take Song of Songs at face value, that God treasures and validates romantic love? Does every word picture have to have a hidden meaning?
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