Originally Posted by Terry
That is I how I approached marriage and who to marry. As for the matter of quarantines, there's a relative 20 year history going on. Bringing to the Lord and heeding your conscience may not be in agreement to man's concepts. There were and
are brothers who out of the Lord's leading and out of their conscience choose not to obey the quarantine. For some they were conscientious objectors, but considered divisive by LSM for not heeding the quarantine. As I paraphrase, those who followed the Lord's leading, were "rebelling aganist the feeling of the Body".
I understand. You are preaching to the choir.
We have had more than twenty years to examine our history. If we are honest with ourselves we will come to the reality of the situation.
This reality 'if'' we are truely seeking Him, is whether or not we are indeed following the leading and our concience.
Yes, we have the human equation also. People who enter in innocent or not wise enough to detect the spiritual dangers.
The Lord is able to preserve those who are faithful to Him. Yet, there will always be those who will be tossed by the waves and carried away in the currents of the self.
This by no means gives us a license to disregaured the high calling of Holyness in Christ Jesus.
May we maintain a healthy reverence of Him for to fear God is the begining of Wisdom.
As always Peace.
Don Jr