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Old 08-15-2011, 11:16 AM   #68
Join Date: Jul 2011
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Default Re: Against LSM's Allegorizing

I don't see how WL's misuse of allegorizing scripture could lead to mass hysteria by calling on the name of the Lord.
I don't either. Metaphorical interpretation is unavoidable to some extent. If anyone thinks WL's interpretation was wrong or evoked bad behavior then show us what it was. Blanket condemnation of allegorizing is stupid. Even guys who censured it, like Martin Luther, used it sometimes. Metaphorical concepts permeate language. Biblical literalism as applied by fundamentalists presents problems of its own. Besides, Lee's teaching regarding calling on the Lord didn't involve allegory. It was strictly literal. Did we get hysterical about it? Yes. But that must have been due to factors other than allegory.
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