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Old 08-15-2011, 07:09 AM   #63
Join Date: Aug 2011
Posts: 27
Smile enjoying allegory

just contemplating that there is something within me that really enjoys allegory as I was thinking about one of my favorite movies that is full of allegory called "Being There"

I enjoy this movie as i see it is full of allegory and many themes can be related to and parallel themes in the the bible and Jesus Christ. Here is a url where you can watch a trailer from the movie
I enjoyed this movie as it tells a story about a man who outwardly appears one way, you are led to believe that people are seeing his outward appearence and forming opinions based on what they see. He speaks in a simple way and they apply deep meaning to what he says and in the end it is revealed who he really is and what we are led to believe is not who we were thinking he was based on the movie. This is similar to our lives as many perceive us based on our outward appearence, sometimes people then make a judgement about us and attribute different things about what we say and still do not know the real person that is hidden inside.

I enjoyed this movie long before reading WL.

Last edited by RollingStone; 08-15-2011 at 07:14 AM. Reason: wanted to tie this to experience with WL
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