Re: Against LSM's Allegorizing
I find this very troubling. It does not have to be either or. I think everyone, all Christians, agree that parts of the Bible are allegorical and therefore this is certainly one way in which God speaks. By allegory I mean metaphors, parables, and other forms of imagery.
On the other hand, using allegory as the basis for teaching, creating a teaching based on an allegorical understanding of the word, opens the door for all sorts of abuse and misuse of the word.
To illustrate this either or approach LI used references to republicans and democrats. But it doesn't have to be so black and white, for example is it true that the majority of democrats are for "big govt" or rather "govt with a conscience". Likewise are republicans all concerned with small govt or is the key concept that Govt is very poor at handling money in a responsible way, so the less money we give govt the better everyone is. I think history shows us that throughout all time govt has been corrupt, big govt is corrupt in a big way, small govt is corrupt in a smaller way. So if you are for smaller govt but with a conscience does that make you a democrat or a republican?
My point is that everyone seems so unbalanced. One bad allegorical teaching and all allegories are wrong. I would say that teachings are on several levels. Some teachings trump all others, others help expand teachings that we already have that are solid.
For example, the Samaritan man. Someone asked the Lord what they needed to do to inherit eternal life, and He asked what the law said, he responded to love God with all your heart and your neighbor as yourself. This is the clear teaching that trumps all else. But he then asked "who is my neighbor".
This is a question where a parable, or some other figurative speech is much more helpful. If you ask a lawyer to define neighbor you will 10 pages of impenetrable gibberish. But this little story is clearer to read and easier to apply than those 10 pages ever would be. If you cross paths with a man that needs your help, then that is your neighbor. What do you owe that man? According to the Law you need to love him as you love yourself. Again, instead of 10 pages of legalese we have a story that illustrates exactly what loving someone as you would love yourself means.
Now at the end of the story Jesus says "go and do likewise". That would be hypocritical if the Lord Himself did not go and do likewise. So surely there is a basis to apply this parable to the life of Jesus.
They shall live by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God