Originally Posted by zeek
Here's a relevant theory for you. Both Joseph and Jesus are examples of the hero archetype which is embedded in the collective unconscious of the human psyche. Archetypes are probably based on the neurological structure of the human brain. Consequently archetypes appear in dreams and in the mythologies of many different cultures and times. This is not to deny that Jesus was an historical person. He more or less fulfilled the archetypal pattern that was projected on him by messianic expectation which is a subgroup of the Hero archetype. In many ways he did not literally fulfill the expectation but fulfilled it paradoxically. For example, the messiah was expected to be a king, but Jesus was not literally a king, quite the opposite in terms of social status.
And Joseph's brothers were also filling some psychological archetype to be villains? How about Potipher, or Potipher's wife, of the Pharoah, or the baker, or the butler? Sorry, I believe that any observations that would seem to correspond with this theory are because we have a human spirit, not learned mythology.