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Old 08-12-2011, 02:05 PM   #20
Join Date: Oct 2010
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Default Re: Against LSM's Allegorizing

Originally Posted by Leomon View Post
Thanks for the information.

I went through a bit of it and will all of it at some point.

I know LSMers take the allegory figuratively speaking to the extreme.

However the bible does speak figuratively such as many of the parables Jesus taught.

Or the parable of the sheep and goats.

Being a Christian I am familiar with the parables in the Bible. But went I went to the local churches home meeting I was surprised at how many MORE parables and figurative messages they were drawing from the verses.

Correct me if Im wrong but a prime example that I just witnessed yesterday is.

Jesus is a greater Jonah.

They attributed Jonahs time spent in the fish as Jesus spent in "hades". Therefore Jesus is the greater jonah. Fine could be true but that sounds like reading too much into the text.

To me thats like saying God is a greater Jericho wall because they both took 7 days.

I often find their allegories don't really do anything for me.
The real problem arises when the teaching originates from the allegory. If you have a real teaching, such as Peter discussing Jesus taking a tour of Hades, and you want to "decorate" that teaching with some figurative story in the OT like Jonah in the big fish, then you can't get into much danger, but the truth has to be based on solid ground.
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