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Old 08-12-2011, 05:30 AM   #9
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Default Re: Against LSM's Allegorizing

Originally Posted by ZNPaaneah View Post
Think how insidiously deceptive this is. You create this whole alternative reality universe that you are working in and it gives the the impression that you are more spiritual and scriptural than other Christian groups.
Allegorical interpretation should be considered the "fuel" to propel the tour bus of exclusivism and elitism. What was so often advertized as "fresh and new light from the ministry," was little more than speculative allegory to maintain an aura of greatness out in Anaheim.

I had to chuckle at Nigel Tomes ironical expression in this quote from page 4, "Since W. Lee excelled in allegorical exposition perhaps he should be designated the "Allegorizer of the Age." This tinge of sarcasm is perhaps the first I have noticed in his writings, and no doubt it will be noticed by "others."

This paper by Tomes goes to the root of LSM's publishing empire. By exposing their addiction to allegorical interpretations of scripture, the very motivation of exclusivism is removed. As a long time adherent of LSM, I know first hand how their teachings were designed to continually fuel the illusion, "we see things other Christians don't see."
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