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Old 08-11-2011, 07:59 PM   #7
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Default Against LSM's Allegorizing

Nigel Tomes' recent article is quite an eye-opener. Having only read the first two pages, I can already see how manipulating allegorical hermeneutics can be. It reigned supreme throughout the dark ages, and the hallmark of the reformation was its rejection. These facts alone casts huge shadows upon LSM's liberal approach to scripture.

I began in the Recovery many years ago with the tenet of "coming back to the pure word of God." Being raised Catholic, and attending 12 years of parochial education, 97.6349% of what I had learned was man-made tradition. Leaving centuries of stale tradition sounded real good to me and that new life within me. Eventually, however, the ministry of WL changed for the worse, leaving the "pure word" and introducing speculative allegorical interpretations at every turn. Yes, WL changed.

Now, I'm not against every allegory, and I doubt Nigel Tomes is either. The Apostle Paul allegorically connected Hagar to Mount Sanai and probably suffered immensely for this at the hands of the Jewish zealots. What I am against is the use of allegories in order to manipulate and lord it over the flock of God. For LSM to hold meetings in Toronto concerning "replastering the house of lepers," qualifies to me as manipulation of the worst sort.

And I have 20 more pages to read ...
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