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Old 07-25-2011, 07:56 AM   #8
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Default Re: The Process of Moving On

Originally Posted by ToGodAlone View Post
Forgive me for generalizing (as well as for using "we" since I technically never went through this, but that is a superfluous detail), I know not everyone is focused on what is wrong with the local church rather than moving on from it, but we have to move on and help each other do so. Who knows? Perhaps we can help a few more brothers and sisters still in the Recovery...
Believe me, brother, anyone who has left the meetings of the LC HAS MOVED ON...we are just in different stages. It's very dangerous to tell someone who has experienced a trauma to "move on". There's nothing people want more than to move on with life! This is a place to expose the facts, heal, and help others. It's not a "clean" process, it looks pretty messy sometimes.
My husband who passed away was a Vietnam Vet with MUCH to forgive and work through. From him I learned...

Luke 6:37b"...release and you will be released." (Recovery Version)

What I do NOT forgive I am bound to. The danger on sites like this is to be so focused on the problems and suffering of the LC that we can remain bound to it. Once I release them, I am released from them. I certainly don't dwell on the issues, but I am willing to share with folks who really want to know.
Many Vietnam Vets still have not forgiven Jane Fonda for her treason during the war...this unforgiveness binds them to her...creating a spiritual fornication of not forgiving they bind themselves to the very thing they hate. Until they release her they are bound to her.
Praise the Lord for being RELEASED!!!!!!
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