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Old 07-22-2011, 08:07 AM   #53
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Default Re: Friction with The Office (Phillip Lee) Part B

Originally Posted by Terry View Post
They began to tell our young people [from Stuttgart]—the young people in Taipei--: “Stuttgart stinks like garlic. Don’t go back to Stuttgart.”

They want to rest in Anaheim. They made arrangement with the church in Anaheim to take them for hospitality. Al Knoch says, yes, praise the Lord. We’ll take you”. My, my, my. The office found out. What? Anaheim is going to give hospitality to our young people and they already make plane arrangement to go to Anaheim. Authoritative word came down, “No, you cannot give hospitality to these saints from Europe.”

Then they flew to Irving one day before the training starts.” And when they arrive there, in the office to register they were told, “we are not sure whether you could attend the training…come back tomorrow. By that time our young people are boiling already. You cannot realize, it’s not only fermenting, it’s boiling. It’s really boiling.

So they came the next day. “Okay, we’ll let you with a special red tag called the mercy seats, a disciplinary section, right in the back a red section. You have to sit there to show everybody you’re under discipline.” Now they are steaming—from fermenting to boiling to steaming.

One of our leading young brothers there says, “I demand to have an explanation?” “I don’t know one brother said.” Ray Graver said, “I don’t know who made this arrangement.” What are you doing? Training, or are you playing? Maybe that’s part of the new way, I don’t know. I’ve never heard that before. That’s something new. Then one brother said this, Do you really want to know? Do you really want to know the reason?

“Yes, yes.’

“Ask John So.”
I read this account 5-6 years ago, and my blood also started to boil. What kind of worthless, pathetic, manipulative folks are in charge at LSM? These are the folks that are supposed to be today's Levitical priesthood serving in God's House? How disgusting! And it was demanded of all the churches that we be one with the office?!?

Reports like this one are what convinced me that the burden of the New Way, and I mean the "real" burden, after we machete through all the brush of pseudo-spiritual verbiage, was forced servitude to "The Office."
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