Originally Posted by Igzy
By "political talk" and "logic" are you talking about the argument I'm making in this thread? I don't think I'm saying anything political. As for logic, I think God is very logical. He created logic. You can't form a meaningful sentence without logic. So, I ask, please try to bear with me and follow what I'm saying.
It's no secret that the LC sees the local church in the city as one submitting to one set of elders. This is very much implicit in their model. It's their "ace in the hole" over their members. In other words, basically the elders are the church. I recall the preface to one of Lee's books called Elder's Management of the Church which was written by a Chinese elder saying "the center of the church is the elders." This is the LSM/LC thought. But the very idea of thinking one group of elders (theirs) by necessity represents the whole city-church they are saying that the elders are over the whole city-church. This is their thought, not mine, and there is no pretending it is not part and parcel with their package.
My purpose is to show that thought to be internally self-defeating to the idea of oneness.
Dear Brother Igzy,
Logic is fine.

I was not opining against logic but rather the logic of elder-rulership over a church and city as a reason to argue against the ground of locality, oneness etc. I am not aware of the book you mentioned. Sorry LSM/LC if you think the center of the church is the elders, no, no, no. The center of the church is Christ, only Christ. Hopefully, any elders in a church will be focused on Christ and feeding the lambs not on pushing through some program or expanding their turf or protecting their turf against defections. The idea of "the ministry" as carried out by "the Work" is a horrorific source of problems and abuses.
I will continue to refer to the problem WN started by linking the church with a bogus entity "the Work." Take away this concept and 95% of the LSM/LC problems will go away. I look forward to unraveling this entanglement in later writings.
In Christ Jesus,
Hope, Don Rutledge