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Old 07-21-2011, 11:37 AM   #44
Join Date: Dec 2010
Posts: 348
Default Re: Fermentation of the Present Rebellion

I have to agree with Mike regarding this contrast between Lee and Nee. Lee seemed incapable of owning up to his own mistakes. Listen even to his last message, delivered in Taipei, wherein he supposedly apologizes to the saints in the LSM church as well as to other Christians outside of it. If you read the English translation of what Lee said, it was something to the effect of. "Many times, we have done things, that were not so right.". Not so right? Does that mean they were wrong? Not necessarily. It could mean they were 'not as right as they could be', 'we're not perfect', or 'I could've done more'.

It was Lee's pride which truly prevented him from owning up to his own mistakes. From genuinely becoming the man of God he may have longed to be.This pride, displayed for all to see when he would rant about his qualifications, the numbers of Bibles he'd read, the sheer number of followers he'd been able to gain, really characterized his entire ministry.

Consider: what is the first thing an unbeliever must know in order to be Saved? That he or she is a damnable Sinner, utterly without hope apart from the Grace of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Does LSM teach this truth? Not in my experience they don't. Lee taught that if you taught a person to say 'O Lord Jesus' three times, that sealed the deal. That was enough - and that is a lie which flies in the face of scripture. That's not enough at all. Our God judges the heart, not what proceeds from the mouth of man (and thank Him for it!). If a heart isn't taught how utterly depraved it truly is, how then can repentance come?

Saints need to judge the heart as well. Don't be fooled by big words and grand assertions of authority. Judge this man you would hold as a teacher against the only standard given us by God Himself: His Son Jesus Christ.

In the Truth of Christ,

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