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Old 07-19-2011, 06:37 AM   #20
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Default Re: Fermentation of the Present Rebellion

Originally Posted by Terry View Post
"A false witness who utters lies, And one who spreads strife among brothers."
Proverbs 6:19

"We tell others what we like and keep silent about what we do not like. We speak about what is profitable to us and keep silent about things that are not profitable to us. This is also a kind of lying. Many people purposely withhold half of a story. They withhold the things that are profitable to others, especially things that are profitable to their enemies, and remain silent about them. Instead, they talk about things that hurt, damage, or bring loss to others. This is lying. Many people do not speak according to truth and reality, but according to their own likes and dislikes. Many words are not based on facts but on sentiments. Such people speak certain things because they like to speak them, or they speak about certain persons because they like them. They change their tone when the conversation turns to people or things they do not like. This kind of speaking is totally according to one's likes and dislikes. It is speaking according to one's emotion, not according to truth and reality. Please keep in mind that this is lying. Inaccurate words are a serious sin. Willful deception is even more serious, and it is a greater sin before God. We must not speak according to our emotion but according to facts. Either we must not speak at all, or we must speak according to facts and the truth. We cannot speak according to our feeling. If we do, we are lying willfully before God."
I think when you read this you have to keep the context of the words "false witness". Although witness can be a very general term, it is also quite specific to examples as cited in this thread about WL's letter. There are many ways to make the "witness" or in this case letter/publication by WL "false". The context is also to "spread strife among brothers". The publication by WL is by definition spreading this word among brothers, therefore it is held to a much higher standard than everyday speech.

On a daily basis it is impossible to always speak in a complete manner that does not leave anything out. But, when you are creating a publication that is a witness and which you know will spread strife among brothers then the standard is much higher and you must speak in a complete manner. So, for example, in this case there were things that were left out that would have weakened, or harmed WL case. According to WN to leave them out is to lie and to be a false witness. (Did WN just call WL "a false witness"?)

Also, if I am speaking to my wife I can safely assume that many things I leave out are already understood by her because of previous conversations. But, when you publish something you cannot make that assumption as you would have no idea who is your reader. Therefore the standard for being complete is of necessity much higher.

So, in my opinion, this case is a clear case of willful deception by WL, let the Lord judge.
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