Join Date: Apr 2008
Location: Renton, Washington
Posts: 3,545
In The Fermentation of the Present Rebellion, this what Witness Lee haf to share regarding the events happening in Rosemead beginning on page 53 to the top of page 54.
"In the winter of 1986, Brothers David Wang and John Wang came to me, asking if Brother Francis Ball ould join them in the eldership there. I felt good about their suggestion. Subsequently, on February 1, 1987, Francis Ball was introduced to the saints in Rosemead by John Kwan and david Wang during a Lord's Day morning meeting. Not long after that, because of the need in Taiwan, Francis went to Taipei.
The first rebellion occurred in Rosemead in September 1987. Prior to the door knocking festival in the San Gabriel valley in September, two brothers, Aaron Lee and Jacob Ho, who were invited to help in the festival, visited Joseph Chu, who was one of the main speakers in the Chinese-speaking meeting in Rosemead. They found out that Joseph was very negative and critical about the recovery and me. Joseph's wife told these brothers that I was old and was surrounded by a group of young people who had made me lose my direction. She also told the brothers that "we have connections with the whole world." During the door knocking festival, the couple and some others with them remained critical of that move. Daniel Chu, Joseph's cousin, told David Dong on September 27, 1987, that they (Brother Daniel and those with him) had a global connection, and that some of the leading co-workers in the recovery were meeting (or were going to meet) together and there would be a communique' in a week or two. By this he meant that the ones in Rosemead were not the only ones who were rebelling; there were others also. This indicates that there was already a conspiracy. During this time, Joseph Chu, Daniel Chu, and those agreeing with them strongly condemned all efforts to have fellowship as interference and began to isolate themselves from other churches around the area."
Beginning at the end of page 54 and continuing on page 55,
"In March 1988 I called Joseph Chu and David Wang at the same time and asked to have fellowship with them concerning the problem in the church in Rosemead. At first, David Wang proposed that it would be better for all of us to come together with the whole church in Rosemead and the Chinese-speaking leading ones in Orange County. He proposed that we do this on the following Lord's Day morning, and I agreed. He promised to notify all the Chinese-speaking leading ones in Orange County. But the next day, David Wang called me and told me that they wanted to keep the church calm for another period of time; after that, we would have the meeting. I agreed with that.
On May 8, 1988, the Board of Directors of the church in Rosemead sent a letter to Francis Ball and another to John Kwan, the two elders, telling them that "commencing May 21, 1988, you may no longer set foot on the premises of the church in Rosemead", and that "should you [ Francis Ball and John Kwan] not comply with the directive, we [the Board of Directors] will take any and all appropriate measures to have you forcefully evicted." In their letter to Francis, they charged that "the autonomy of the church in Rosemead" has been "damaged," and they labeled my ministry as "the ministry" of another extra-local individual which has been nothing but dreams, human ideas, reports, numbers, statistics, propaganda, and lies." Among them I was condemned as a pope, and some of them said that they received much help from me in life but that they would not be in the "system" of Witness Lee."