Re: The Thread of Gold - Jane Carole Anderson
I listened to parts of these four audio tapes PriestlyScribe posted on his post # 74 and note these statements (in blue):
Your children are to have a unique, personal relationship with God. A voice they have to recognize. Help them know the voice of the Lord at the Lord's time.
When it comes to the Lord's perfecting in my life, there are little things but that is the focus of the entire Christian life, God perfecting us by the Holy Spirit inside of us. When we live that way we are very broad to let other people live that way. This is not according to some high peak, but Christ living inside of us. You can live a passive church life but you cannot live a passive Christian life because every day the Lord is speaking inside of you. We need to raise our children this way.
Someone asked him (Chuck D.) for direction as to what to do, and he pointed that person to the Lord, to seek the Lord. Go back to the Lord again and again. He said that when you shepherd your children do the same. Give them the same latitude. If the Lord is leading you not to go to the meeting, ask Him again. The same God who led you to know life and to hear His voice is the same God who can lead them. Now you can be gentle and shepherd your children. You have to be gentle and kind and patient. This is a big job and the Lord has to train us for such. We should allow ourselves to be perfected.
Pray that your children would be drawn to the Lord powerfully. Whether they are in the church or not in the church, I really don't care, but they must give their whole life to you. You are the meaning of life. Without you our life means nothing. We are not here to be in the church, for some cause; if we are here we are here because the living God told us to be here. I am not here to be in the church; I am here because the living God told me to be here. We want them to have a deep conviction to follow the Lord.
I wonder when it was Chuck D. spoke these words and whether he would be heard if he were to appeal to the Local Church leadership in this way regarding their shepherding the sheep…
What gentleness and kindness and patience was shown to the weeping elder who was touched (p. 162 of The Thread of Gold) and showed a moment of need and weakness? What gentleness and kindness and patience was shown to Jane and other sisters as they were seeking the Lord and desiring to hear His voice?