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Old 06-23-2011, 01:45 PM   #75
Join Date: Apr 2008
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Default Re: The Thread of Gold - Jane Carole Anderson

Originally Posted by PriestlyScribe View Post
Terry, on top of the natural fallen tendency in men [a man, I am one, so I know] to be clueless about the condition of his own marriage, there is that self centered male knee-jerk reaction to flee confrontation from the wife. What better environment for a clueless husband to find himself in than a church culture which places way more emphasis on corporate meeting performance/attendance than on the creation of truly radiant wives?
PriestlyScribe, just as we discussed on the phone yesterday, brothers are caught in a tug of war where no one will be completely satisfied.
If a brother goes to the bi-annual training an leaves his wife and children at home, his wife will think and maybe say to her husband he loves the ministry more than the family.
If a brother chooses to stay home and take care of his family instead of attending bi-annual trainings, the brother may be viewed as not absolute for the ministry and maybe his own standing in the local assembly being examined.
This is how I perceived John from reading the Thread of Gold and through his posts on this thread. Here's a brother who could have been brought into fellowship as a responsible brother, but family was John's priority.
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