Originally Posted by bookworm
This form of "brainwashing" does nothing to promote love for one another in the body of Christ and it does nothing to encourage a married man and woman to love and value each other and love and value the children they are blessed with.
There have been times over the years when well-meaning brothers in the elders trainings have publicly asked for help with certain struggling saints. The answer always defaulted to the meetings and the ministry. I also believe that LC leaders would rather have their "problem-cases" disappear from the scenes, since they expose to all just how failed their programs really have become. Nothing worse than having your audience haunted by those "broken promises" staring them in the face every meeting.
Thankful witness a sister, whom she loved, crying in the back of the meeting hall, knowing that she could not embrace Thankful, who was being "disciplined?" That's not the kind of situation you want to continue. "
Houston, we have a problem!" I'm sure more than a few brothers were happy to see that family move to OK, OK.