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Old 06-19-2011, 11:36 AM   #69
Join Date: Apr 2008
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Default Re: The Thread of Gold - Jane Carole Anderson

Originally Posted by Terry View Post
As for what happened to Jane, was it the result of this event or was it the result of multiple events like it?
I have more to say, but I must postpone until later.
May not be the case, but take it into consideration. Marriage is difficult enough. In marriage two individuals becoming a couple. It's difficult enough adapting from being an individual to one half of a couple. Probably happened on a larger scale in the local churches during the 1970's compared to the last 20 years, that is third party involvment of match-making or match-breaking. Before I proceed further, it would help if more seasoned brothers and sisters (Ohio, UntoHim, Bookworm, etc) could confirm or deny my assertion.

During the 1970's there were couples paired up not according to their preferences, but according to preferences of leading brothers and leading sisters. How strong were these marriages going to be? They could very well be soulmates or they could be two individuals in a marriage who had very little in common. When you have very little in your soul bonding the marriage, for some couples it could had been just the local church enviornment keeping the marriage intact. For some couples the sister could very well be 100% committed to the marriage, but for the brother the marriage took a backseat to the ministry. This could be some of the issues married couples endured. For example the wife could get into an argument with her husband basically saying she wants the humanity of her husband and not an overly spiritual brother. Her husband doesn't take her words to heart and they leave for the meeting with the problem unresolved. When they arrive at the meeting, it's as the on/off switch is turned on. Everything is grand and he doesn't have a problem, praising and giving God the glory. However the wife sits quietly, doesn't make an issue, but inside she isn't fooled by his charade. I'm not saying this did happen, only asserting it could have happened.

This could be problems referenced in The Thread of Gold pages 161-162. Sisters speaking about expecting more from their husband, offended brothers such as Benson and Ray. This in addition to Ray witnessing a co-elder breakdown in front of him. I believe most of us would have been moved with compassion had we witnessed such an event. Certainly not a matter to be offended about.
Ironically what happened in that couples apartment on that night in 1977 (?) would not be condemned in anything I have experienced. It is an example of an elder being shepherded by non-elders. It is needed for a home meeting to become vital.
My point is if this is what Jane was condemned for and Benson bringing it back up during the 2005 Winter training, had the local church saints really known what Jane was disciplined for, their reaction might be exasperation.
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