Originally Posted by NeitherFirstnorLast
If there are, and I suppose that there are, real and current members of LSM churches here, then is this really the best way to open their eyes? I have found, in speaking myself to many, that when events of the past are raised then immediately their hands go up, and they refuse to hear you. I have heard them rebut me with things like:
"We shouldn't go there. The Lord has moved on, and so should we."
My feeling, my conviction, is that if you want to help people find a real and living relationship with our Lord Jesus Christ, digging into a past of which they may or may not be aware is not the way to gain them.
NFNL, you are right that many loyalists are armed with trite sayings to shield their heart from the truth. They are gripped with mental strongholds which may be impenetrable. That's fine with me. There's a host of reasons for staying there, and I understand them all.
The other day watching the news I was reminded why this forum has value. Liberal CNN was informing us how few students even know Abraham Lincoln. I thought to myself, ask these high school students about alternative lifestyles, black history month, or lady gaga, and see how much they know!? Public education has all sorts of hidden agendas which do not include the history of our country. (
or your country, up north)
There are some, however, who do want to know history. Some of those in the LC's want to know what really happened in the past. LSM and local leaders provide none of this information. The forum is the only source we have. Some people study early American history, some study church history, some study recent Recovery history, and some study no history at all.
Churchill said, "Those who fail to learn from history, are doomed to repeat it."
Back on topic. JCA's book
ToG was especially valuable to me because it dispelled myths which brothers had instilled in me years ago. Her account of history helped to deliver me from a stronghold.