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Old 06-18-2011, 06:35 AM   #63
Thankful Jane
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Default Re: The Thread of Gold - Jane Carole Anderson

Originally Posted by Ohio View Post
Yes and no.

And I should add, as an outside reader, I just don't understand the current conflict on this thread because it didn't seem to me that ZNP intentionally tried to incite trouble. But that's just me. I am one of those brothers called "foolish and slow of heart" on the long and winding road to Emmaus.

Since much has been said about so-called "sisters' rebellions" being squelched, in both Houston and Anaheim back in 1977, by leaders who were in communication with each other, it's legitimate to compare the two places. Thankful herself has connected the two events, partly due to public comments made by BP in the annual training to discredit Thankful and her book.

I do believe the "connection" has helped to explain some of the behind-the-scenes activity that appeared so confusing to us regular "common" folk back in spring of '77. Part of my education on this forum has been to have the motives and inner workings of LSM exposed for all to see. LSM has a long history of dissembling "rebellions" to cover up their abusive ways.

The events surrounding Thankful's so-called "discipline" by BP is one important piece of a larger puzzle, which was surreptitiously hidden from the saints in the Recovery, especially in Texas. The events surrounding Sandee Rapoport and her public shaming were another interconnecting piece of the puzzle. I believe after the book ToG was written, Thankful contacted SR and learned of the connection. So, if we "strictly" post according to the letter of the law on this thread, we should limit all discussion to the book; but if we expand discussion to related events, especially those which Thankful has herself connected, then ZNP's queries are legitimate, and even welcome and helpful.

Either side can feel free to correct me if they feel what I have posted it not exactly right.
I just have a few minutes so this will be quick. I agree with what you wrote, Ohio. There is no problem discussing both Anaheim and Texas sisters' events on this thread because they are interrelated. The problem on the thread started when I tried to correct a statement by ZNP that I found to be inaccurate (you'll have to do some re-reading to see what I'm referring to.) Things went south from there mostly due to communication/writing/understanding difficulties. Overall, I am in agreement with many of the things ZNP has written; I just didn't comment on those and only took time to address what I found to be inaccurate. That's what caused the baby tarbaby.

I believe we will be able to get things cleared up later when I have some time. So everyone carry on and keep pressing on towards glory!

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