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Old 06-16-2011, 05:18 AM   #56
Join Date: Oct 2010
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Default Re: The Thread of Gold - Jane Carole Anderson

Originally Posted by Terry View Post
An trend ZNP may have referred to is control. Brothers leading Living Stream want the churches thinking as they do. Which in turn requires brothers thinking as they do leading the churches. There is too much risk to invest decision making to the church. Any given local church may not have the same feeling LSM leading brothers have.
What would it do if a local church put on the brakes with the ministry because there's a need to care for the families, to care for the marriages, to care for the single brothers, and sisters. It's good if brothers and sisters want to get into the ministry, but if there's a problem in our soul, the ministry is not going to shepherd the soul. That requires one another.
This shorts out the feedback loop. A genuine ministry meets the needs of the saints and the church. By requiring the church to cede to the wishes of the ministry you stifle any feedback. A healthy response would be for a church to put on the brakes of the ministry because they need to care for the families. In response, the ministry would see if they could help meet this need. Success or failure would be determined by the church, rather than a dictate by the ministry that "here, this book solves your problem".
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