06-15-2011, 09:27 PM
Join Date: Jul 2008
Location: Greater Ohio
Posts: 13,693
Re: The Thread of Gold - Jane Carole Anderson
Originally Posted by Ohio
ZNP, "technically ..." it was not "elders excommunicating saints," at least with Ingalls et. al. of old, and TC et. al. recently. WL, BP and the BB's consider themselves as both "senior workers" and "deputy authorities." For WL as the most "senior worker" to quarantine John Ingalls, another worker under his direction, is a matter of the "work," which is "technically" not a church matter. Thus, many viewed the quarantine of TC as illegitimate because he was a more senior worker than any of the BB's.
Hence BP, RK and the other BB's considered themselves as WL's successors, the so-called "deputy authority" of the body of Christ. In that capacity they quarantined TC, NigelT, and DYL. Then they made the announcement, not to the "church" which TC belonged to, but to the "body," which to them meant all the loyal LC's subscribing to LSM's directives.
Instead of "telling it to the church," they called representatives of all the churches, and announced the decision to them. This was done by WL in SoCal for Ingalls, So, Mellon, and Fung, and is recorded in the "Fermentation ..." For TC, the BB's gathered all the representative leaders in Whistler. The result was the 28 booklet "attack pack," and the various websites.
Please note that I do not agree with what I posted above. I was only providing an explanation for the way things happen in the LC's. I was there so I understand how they think, but I have long departed, so I also understand how they have erred. LC concepts about "the work" are seriously flawed, and have led to much damage.
Ohio's motto is: With God all things are possible!.
Keeping all my posts short, quick, living, and to the point!