Re: The Thread of Gold - Jane Carole Anderson
First, let me ask you a question, where in the NT does it say that anyone should be under the control of the elders?
Closest you'll find is Hebrews 13:17
Obey your leaders and submit to them, for they keep watch over your souls as those who will give an account. Let them do this with joy and not with grief, for this would be unprofitable for you.
Key words and phrases in this verse are, obey, submit, watch over your souls.
I'll get back to this verse momentarily.
Thankful Jane:
As we have discovered on the forums there was a good bit of politicking going on in the relationships between the various elders, localities, and regions. It appears from Don's communication that four localities were represented on the airplane. I was able to find the past communication from Don R., so for the record, here is how he was "purposefully excluded,"
Whether I feel lc elders are functioning as elders or elders functioning as administrators, I have the utmost respect for elders. When a brother is an elder I give him benefit of the doubt. Me submitting to an elder is voluntary. Whether or not they watch over my soul, as the author of Hebrews says; those who will give an account. It's out of my control. I would have wanted elders in localities I have lived, to have watched over my soul. That has not been the case.
Responding to Jane's post, as I read it's not clear who suggested Don go to another area. Was it Don Looper's suggestion to Don Rutledge? The suggestion being a subtle hint to go take a walk to another area. If the suggestion came at Benson's request to Don Rutledge via Don Looper, is it possible in Dallas there were local matters Don Rutledge was excluded from? My question should be based on being "purposefully excluded" being asked of Don to excuse himself rather than Don taking the initiative to remove himself from conversation Don did not want to be party to.