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Old 06-14-2011, 05:27 PM   #43
Join Date: Apr 2008
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Default Re: Trying to straighten out a mess

Originally Posted by ZNPaaneah View Post
I was not aware that Terry directed that question to me, sorry. Let me answer this question first before responding to the rest of your red letter.

"What is the issue with encouraging ones to talk about their problems?" Since I have never made an issue of this, nor am I aware of anyone else who has made an issue of this, I am going to assume that the LRC is making an issue of this.

First I find it absurd to think that you could do marriage counseling without "encouraging ones to talk about their problems" (my limited experience is that couples seek counseling because they have problems), likewise with shepherding new ones, or even in a home meeting. Suppose someone in a home meeting started to share a testimony and then stopped saying "I don't know if you really want to hear about my problems" and then you responded by encouraging them to speak.
Before I delve into any other postings I planned to respond to, I'll say this much for now. When I post any questions I raise are directed to all forum members and unregistered readers to respond to. If I was to direct a question at any single individual, I'll do that via private messaging.

"What is the issue with encouraging ones to talk about their problems?" "Since I have never made an issue of this, nor am I aware of anyone else who has made an issue of this, I am going to assume that the LRC is making an issue of this."

As I read earlier at the beginning of this thread it was Benson who made an issue of Jane encouraging ones to talk about their problems. Most Christian fellowships I've been in, that is not the norm. In many cities you'll find healing rooms which transcend assemblies/ecclesia/churches.

In the local churches I've been in two types of home meetings:
A. Those that pray for one another's problems which only come out if it is expressed by the troubled brother or sister.
B. Those that do not change gears from the ministry in order to pray for an individuals problem or need.
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