Originally Posted by Thankful Jane
It seems you just wanted to spring board to something else you wanted to say about sisters and your big picture assessment of things.[/FONT][/COLOR]
No need to “wow.” Just read my post again more slowly.
I did not respond at all to any part of your post except for what you said about sisters.
If you want answers from me to the rest of the questions you asked in the above paragraph, then please ask them in a way that does not assume that you know my position on these things.
I don’t really appreciate that you are writing to me based on your presumption that my current thoughts are as you imagine.
As for your last sentence, you keep pressing your idea as if it is something new. This basic understanding of Lee’s behavior concerning Phillip has been made and established by others, including me, on other threads written over the last five or more years.
Instead you just move ahead and launch a new argument about the elders’ control being based on bogus teachings and you write as if no one else, including me, has ever noted this or re-examined what the NT says about such teachings. That simply is not the case.
To me, this is stating the obvious.
Thankful Jane
Well, I consider the tone of all of these comments to be insulting and for the most part unwarranted. In general I think there was one case, which I have apologized for, which could clearly be construed to presume I knew how you thought today, that was a mistake, I have apologized for it.
Still I will respond: you asked me to clarify a short post I made which began "obviously" and then insult me repeatedly for stating the obvious. This seems to me to be despicable.