Originally Posted by Thankful Jane
You seem to think that somehow this was all a big misunderstanding and if BP etal understood that they would apologize. But after all these years don't you think it is reasonable to think that this was not a misunderstanding?
What? Please provide quotes from me that have caused you to conclude that I seem to think this somehow was all a big misunderstanding and if BP understood that he would apologize. Also, rather than pose a question to me based on your assumption about what I think after all these years, wouldn't it be better to ask me what I think first. From what you’ve written, I can assure you that you do not know what I think.
This was poorly worded, sorry. I recall a story where BP visited you in OK and that is what I was referring to, clearly that story is past tense and should not in any way imply how you currently feel. I understood that when I wrote "after all these years" but the poor wording does seem to imply that I am referring to the present tense, not the distant past. Sorry.
However, that story does match my own experience. I have had experiences, like the one I referred to at the brokerage firm, where I thought this is a big misunderstanding. Only years later when the crooks were all exposed did I realize it was not a misunderstanding.