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Old 06-14-2011, 04:39 PM   #40
Join Date: Oct 2010
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Default Re: Trying to straighten out a mess

Originally Posted by Thankful Jane View Post
ZNP, first you said sisters were not in the loop with the elders. Now you say that sisters (in this case, me) were “in the loop.” So which is it? If after reading my post you changed your mind about this, why not say so?
No, what I said first is that if you put yourself in the shoes of WL and he was contemplating excommunicating Max because Max had confronted PL, then it is reasonable for him to fear Max's wife fellowshipping with other sisters, both in Anaheim and in other cities. The issue was not what had happened but what he feared might happen in the future. Therefore they took a preemptive shot to make everyone scared to talk to anyone about anything. This is clearly premeditated and unrighteous, hence my conclusion that WL acted like a serpent.

My first post was very clear, if the sisters opened up about their problems with PL the whole house of cards could come down. As a result the elders create bogus teachings to squelch fellowship. I have been consistent with this view through all of my posts.
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