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Old 06-14-2011, 02:39 PM   #32
Thankful Jane
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Default Re: In the Loop/Out of the Loop

Originally Posted by Terry View Post
I may be getting off topic and by purpose I bolded those two words by Jane. Maybe Benson thought it was a non-Dallas matter and no need to include Don, but my thought remains what if? What if there were other matters Don was excluded from fellowship on?
With a local elder I had been witness to such an possibility being a reality. If it happened with this brother, could have happened in Dallas or anywhere else?
As we have discovered on the forums there was a good bit of politicking going on in the relationships between the various elders, localities, and regions. It appears from Don's communication that four localities were represented on the airplane. I was able to find the past communication from Don R., so for the record, here is how he was "purposefully excluded," in his own words:

Benson called me and said that WL wanted he, Don L, myself and perhaps Ray to go to Seattle and then to Chicago to support Max who was bringing important fellowship to the churches in those areas. I can assume that actually it was Max who gave this direction on behalf of WL (?). We met in the DFW airport to catch the plane for Seattle, Benson from OK City and Don from Austin and if Ray was there from Houston. Don told me that the others had some private local affairs to speak about and asked me to get a seat in another part of the plane. I walked by them once on the way to the men’s room and Don [Looper] was speaking in a very disturbed way (not common for him) and I heard him say “She said …” By that I knew he was disturbed about one or more sisters.

Later I asked him since he had been so agitated could he share anything with me. My memory is something about a clique or other but he was extremely brief and never mentioned it again. Benson I believe went back to Texas after a day with the elders in the Seattle region. Don went on to Chicago with me.

Thankful Jane
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