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Old 06-13-2011, 01:07 PM   #23
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Default Re: Be wise as serpents harmless as doves

Originally Posted by Terry View Post
Keep in mind during that time it wasn't all about Max. Some left over the meeting hall on Ball Road. Here were brothers voluntarily giving their days, their evenings, their sweat for a building they believed was for the Church in Anaheim. Suddenly it's not for the Church in Anaheim, but for Living Stream Ministry. In the present time, it's that big a deal to give time to work on LSM projects. Back then at that time I'm sure for many brothers Daystar was still fresh in their memory.
This is the first time I have heard that some saints in Anaheim left the church in protest, because they discovered the new Ball Road facility was not for the church, but for LSM. Talk about the "old bait and switch!"

Terry, can you say more about this?

It's also quite informative to the forum, when you give a child's perspective of "quarantines." They are the innocent victims of leadership abuses and excesses, and the quarantines which resulted from rivalries in the Recovery between controlling factions.

I remember reading with tears, the painful accounts of Thankful's young son, who basically "shut down" due to his mother's anguish of heart in the aftermath of BP's abusive "discipline."
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