Originally Posted by Thankful Jane
... the fact is that Sandee was very much in the loop in Anaheim and that not only was she (and two other sisters) in fellowship (in the loop) with the local elders on a weekly basis for several years prior to Lee's action against them, she was also directly in fellowship with Lee himself on a regular basis... I learned these facts in January 2006 in a personal conversation with her. She and the sisters with her were flabbergasted by all that happened. She said that every thing that they did with the sisters in Anaheim over a period of three years prior to 1977-78, was done in fellowship with and under the direction of the elders and Lee. These sisters were very supportive of Lee and his ministry and would have done whatever he told them to do. (This made what ultimately happened to them incredibly horrible.)
Thankful, I remember reading this a few years ago, along with the accounts by Ingalls and others, and arriving at the conclusion that the so-called "
sisters' rebellion" in Anaheim was all about payback to Max about confronting Phillip at some restaurant about molesting a sister at the LSM offices.
Is that the same conclusion that the Rapoport's arrived at?