Originally Posted by Thankful Jane
I learned these facts in January 2006 in a personal conversation with her. She and the sisters with her were flabbergasted by all that happened. She said that every thing that they did with the sisters in Anaheim over a period of three years prior to 1977-78, was done in fellowship with and under the direction of the elders and Lee. These sisters were very supportive of Lee and his ministry and would have done whatever he told them to do. (This made what ultimately happened to them incredibily horrible.)
Does this support the theory what happened to these sisters was in response to Max confronting Phillip?
Jane, you mentioned incredibly horrible. Yes it was. What about the children? Not only the children of Max and Sandee, but children of other saints in Anaheim who may have stopped meeting with the Church in Anaheim during this period. Children are not equipped to handle being cut-off as adults are.
As you know I lived in Anaheim during this period. Many of the church kids went to the same public schools. All of a sudden, some of those they had considered to be friends in school, at church, and in the homes, were no longer recieved by families who continued meeting with the church in Anaheim.
Keep in mind during that time it wasn't all about Max. Some left over the meeting hall on Ball Road. Here were brothers voluntarily giving their days, their evenings, their sweat for a building they believed was for the Church in Anaheim. Suddenly it's not for the Church in Anaheim, but for Living Stream Ministry. In the present time, it's that big a deal to give time to work on LSM projects. Back then at that time I'm sure for many brothers Daystar was still fresh in their memory.