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Re: The Thread of Gold - Jane Carole Anderson
Originally Posted by Ohio
Back in the 90's, related to all the high peaks stuff, I remember lamenting the necessary learning of all those doctrines. Who could I speak this stuff too? What was the point in learning it? What was the value in one's daily life? How could I share with others that I was becoming God?!? My only window of opportunity was my allotted 3 plus minutes prophecy time on Sunday morning.
I think you are onto a classic flaw in so much of our historic view of the purpose of theology. As I read your post this morning, I was reminded of a blog I read just last night that used arguments about predestination to say sort of the same thing.
Now I am not usually one to point to some others' teachings, however, I believe that this is really on topic. For anyone who cares to read the whole thing, it is here. But getting you to to read it is not my goal. It is to use a different discussion to throw a dart at the self-importance of LRC theology. Here are a few paragraphs from the beginning of the post:
I do not say the preeminent question of Christian theology, but of the Christian life, because in the end, theology must lead to the lives that we live. Theology must be a description of REALITY. Of real life. Just as mathematical propositions must eventually let the space shuttle fly or a heart monitor give accurate readings, so our theology must prepare us for death, and for the lives we lead before death. Our theology must make us human beings, husbands, fathers, teachers, neighbors, members of a community, and so on.
For many Christians, this discussion is a discussion of “What does the Bible say?” So, Romans 9 and John 1 are really no different from one another, as both are inspired scripture, and we can discuss election from Romans 9, come to our conclusions and announce that we have the truth.
On the other hand, I believe that the purpose of Romans 9, John 1, Leviticus 18, Ecclesiastes and so on is to allow us to hear God’s Final Word: Jesus. Scripture is the recipe for the cake that God is baking: Jesus Christ, the Savior of the World. Jesus says that what he says, is and does is our window to the true God, and is our truth for life and death. Therefore, it is Jesus that I am seeking in theology. Jesus is what matters in theology.
Then at the end he says further:
The Preeminent Question of Theology — and life — is not “What is Reformed Theology?” It is not “What does Paul teach about election and predestination?” It is not “How can I be right and the other fellow wrong?” The only question that matters is whether we hear, see, know, comprehend and ultimately BELIEVE God’s Final Word, the Mediator of the New Covenant that is ALL he is doing for us in the Gospel.
Does what I believe about election, the Bible, universalism, truth, God and so on, correspond to Jesus? Do I know Jesus? Is my truth, my worldview, my reality, JESUS?
I think . . . . I think I am . . . . therefore I am, I think — Edge
OR . . . . You may be right, I may be crazy — Joel