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Old 06-11-2011, 12:29 PM   #12
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Default Re: The Thread of Gold - Jane Carole Anderson

Originally Posted by ZNPaaneah View Post
I think the problem with sisters opening up about their problems is obvious, there were sisters in Anaheim that had problems with PL and if they felt they could open up about it the whole house of cards could come down.

But as a result, in order to squelch any sense of fellowship and openness they create all kinds of erroneous teachings and practices.
Think about how much teaching and "fellowship" that exists in the LC's just to maintain their quarantines. Prime example is their recent 28 booklet "Attack Pack" which came out a few years ago, none of which addresses the serious items of the Faith. The basis for all these teachings is the writings of WL, specifically his views and preferences about so many meany items.

Back in the 90's, related to all the high peaks stuff, I remember lamenting the necessary learning of all those doctrines. Who could I speak this stuff too? What was the point in learning it? What was the value in one's daily life? How could I share with others that I was becoming God?!? My only window of opportunity was my allotted 3 plus minutes prophecy time on Sunday morning.
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