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Old 06-11-2011, 12:05 PM   #11
Join Date: Apr 2008
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Default Re: The Thread of Gold - Jane Carole Anderson

Originally Posted by ZNPaaneah View Post
I think the problem with sisters opening up about their problems is obvious, there were sisters in Anaheim that had problems with PL and if they felt they could open up about it the whole house of cards could come down.

But as a result, in order to squelch any sense of fellowship and openness they create all kinds of erroneous teachings and practices.
What happened with Phillip Lee was unusual. In any other business environment Phillip would have been fired. Just the topic alone, there are those who insist what was said of Phillip Lee were rumors. Even if there were witnesses to contradict any rumor.
Back to the topic of sisters opening up. I know several sisters who open up to my wife because keeping it inside was too much to bear. One sister in particular tried going to her husband, but he could not take her concerns to heart.
How about another couple my wife and I know who divorced last year. While they were married, you could not have guessed anything was wrong. Because there was no willingness to open up, how could they receive counseling and prayer?
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