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Old 06-08-2011, 05:41 AM   #8
Thankful Jane
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Default Re: The Thread of Gold - Jane Carole Anderson

Originally Posted by Ohio View Post
They preach kingdom righteousness to everyone else, but never lived it themselves. Isn't that what the Lord Jesus called hypocrisy?
In this vein, I can't help but remember Lee's book, "The Experience of Life" where he instructed us about how Christians needed to make restitution. Go figure.

Originally Posted by Ohio View Post
My son is a financial research analyst for a large university endowment. He regularly examines hedge fund managers and their portfolios. One absolute criteria he uses is the personal stake each manager has vested in his own fund. In other words, when things turn sour, how will the manager fare? Does he have a golden parachute for just himself?

Not one single analyst in the entire financial world would have endorsed the Daystar fund. Why? WL had nothing to lose! He was gambling with others' money.
W. Lee gambled and, from the publishing business perspective, one might say he won. His golden parachute landed him safely. However, I wonder how that parachute is workin' for him now that he's passed out of this life? Maybe he's asked for permission to come back and warn the Blendeds and their followers what is ahead of them. Since he'll probably get the same answer the rich Lazurus got when he asked for a temporary visa back to this life, it looks like the only warning the Blendeds will get will be from the voices of all those they have hurt which continue to surface on the internet. The message in all the voices should be clear to the them. It says:

"Blendeds, be warned. You have proudly followed in Lee's footsteps, boasting in his ill-gotten glory. Do you want to finish the trip he made and end up at the same destination with the same baggage? Wake up while you can. It's not too late for you, but the repentance train is moving pretty fast down the tracks. Much longer and you might not be able to catch it."

Thankful Jane

P. S. I find it to be a God thing that so many can speak directly to the LSM folks today by means of internet forums. For years they slammed the door (or worse) on any who tried to communicate honestly with them, but the internet has changed all that. Even though they don't want to hear from those of us who have found our voices, they have to. Now that I think about it, this exposes another one of their hypocrisies. They say not to have any contact with negative speaking, yet in order to do damage control, they (at least some who are probably assigned to do so) search out and have contact with material that is anti-them, material which, no doubt, includes all our little "negative" words. Gotta luv it.
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